FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Tony Goldman and The Hole are excited to announce a new incarnation of the Bowery mural wall at Houston and Bowery. This is the fourth project Tony has presented on this historic wall: a recreation of Keith Haring’s famous 1982 Bowery mural kicked off the mural series Summer 2008, followed by the Brazilian twin-brother duo Os Gemeos and most recently street artistShepard Fairey. These previous murals were presented in conjunction with Deitch Projects.
This new project is a celebration of tagging and its role in the rich history of New York City.
The property on which the mural is located has been owned by Goldman Properties since 1984. Tony Goldman’s goal is to use this wall to present the top contemporary artists from around the world with an emphasis on artists who work on the streets. Seasonal murals will appear on the wallcurated and organized in collaboration with The Hole. The Hole is a new gallery in Soho run by former Deitch Projects directors Kathy Grayson and Meghan Coleman in collaboration with Suzanne Geiss.